Dear Friends,
Here is some food for thought. Happy Easter! The Lord is risen. He was risen a long time ago, and He is alive spreading, hope, love, peace, and joy "every day"! While our children, nieces,
nephews, and the like are hunting for an Easter basket this morning, let’s remember
to take a moment and thank Jesus! I’m
not a naysayer or killjoy of any Easter festivities, but I am smart enough to
know that Jesus suffered and died for more than Easter baskets, new outfits,
and family dinners, which I like and enjoy.
He went to the cross for our abundantly daily life (John 10:10). He died
for you and me!
So on this Easter day, may you take the time to “remember” what
the Lord has done for you. May you look at today as any other day that you can
serve and thank God. That you can attend church more than once or twice a year
as a marked holiday and or calendar appointment because of what He has done
means something to you. Some argue that people don’t need to go to church, but
if we want to grow in God, we need to allow iron to sharpen iron. We need to be
challenged in our thinking. We need people to encourage us and support us; we need the body of Christ too! We need to read our Bibles more and pray too at
home. But in all of these things, may we see and remember God’s gift to us:
eternal life through His death, burial, and resurrection. May we grab ahold of what He has done for us.
We nee a savior we can rely on, and Christ is it. When you go looking for Christ, you will find Him. When Mary Magdalene and Salome went to the tomb, they saw
that the stone was rolled away, that Jesus was gone. The angel told them He was
not dead, but alive. So I rejoice in this promise every day and on Easter. God makes Himself known to us in a variety of ways. This helps us to know and remember that we can celebrate life because of Him!
God Bless,
Pastor Illy