Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day 63: Psalm 63- The New Gatorade

Dear Readers,
Does your soul ever get thirsty? Yes, I believe it does. In fact, I think our souls can get dehydrated, just like our natural bodies do. Is there a spiritual Gatorade for us to give us the kick of energy we need? Sure there is: it’s the Bible!

This principle applies in both the natural and the physical realms. If we don’t drink enough water (the word of God), than our bodies (spirits) will get dehydrated. If we don’t drink enough water or a steady diet of water, we are in trouble. “Man does not live by bread alone, but on every word that comes out of the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).  Having said that, are we living on the proper spiritual diet we need to be both sustained and growing? Are we eating more TV, Facebook, and Internet surfing than we are taking in the word of God? Some people use Gatorade and energy drinks, especially, as a crisis intervention. We should never look at or use the word of God in this careless manner. It should be a steady diet of His word and prayer. Yes, we can, at times, feel like we are in a desert, but we always need to come back to God and get the water we need.  People need water to live; the same goes for the word of God.

Take some time to think about your spiritual diet? What changes do you need to make? Which ones can you commit to and why?

Psalm 63 -English Standard Version (ESV)

My Soul Thirsts for You

A Psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah.

1 O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you;
     my soul thirsts for you;
my flesh faints for you,
    as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.
So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary,
    beholding your power and glory.
Because your steadfast love is better than life,
    my lips will praise you.
So I will bless you as long as I live;
    in your name I will lift up my hands.
My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food,
    and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips,
when I remember you upon my bed,
    and meditate on you in the watches of the night;
for you have been my help,
    and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy.
My soul clings to you;
    your right hand upholds me.
But those who seek to destroy my life
     shall go down into the depths of the earth;
10 they shall be given over to the power of the sword;
    they shall be a portion for jackals.
11 But the king shall rejoice in God;
    all who swear by him shall exult,
     for the mouths of liars will be stopped.
Please take time to reflect about this Psalm. What is God speaking to you?  Feel free to email me @ illyguana@hotmail.com with any questions or concerns. You can also send me a message in FB to Illy Reich (Frontline-student Ministries)!

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