Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 26: Psalm 26- God Does His Own Spring Cleaning Beware!

Good Day,

Psalm 26 Commentary:

When I read Psalm 26, I hear David asking God to clear his name and to examine his heart and mind (vv 1&2). Defending himself, he goes on to say that “he doesn’t hang out with tricksters”, “thugs”, a “pack of gangsters”, or “double dealers” (vv 4-5). He is concerned with the company he keeps. He knows that if he hangs around riffraff, he will become it too!

He scrubs his hands before he enters into God’s house and or his prayer time before (vv 6-10). Yet, even after he defends himself before God and examines himself, I see David talking about God doing some spring cleaning (vv 8-10). He doesn’t want God to kick him out when God goes on a cleaning frenzy. David knows that if he keeps his house clean, pure, and tidy, he won’t suffer these types of consequences. What about you? Now I am not talking about your bedroom folks, I am talking about your spiritual house! Is your house clean, or are you in need of a spring cleaning?

Psalm 26 -The Message (MSG)

 1 Clear my name, God; I've kept an honest shop.
   I've thrown in my lot with you, God, and
      I'm not budging.

 2 Examine me, God, from head to foot,
      order your battery of tests.
   Make sure I'm fit
      inside and out

 3 So I never lose
      sight of your love,
   But keep in step with you,
      never missing a beat.

 4-5 I don't hang out with tricksters,
      I don't pal around with thugs;
   I hate that pack of gangsters,
      I don't deal with double-dealers.

 6-7 I scrub my hands with purest soap,
      then join hands with the others in the great circle,
      dancing around your altar, God,
   Singing God-songs at the top of my lungs,
      telling God-stories.

 8-10 God, I love living with you;
      your house glows with your glory.
   When it's time for spring cleaning,
      don't sweep me out with the quacks and crooks,
   Men with bags of dirty tricks,
      women with purses stuffed with bribe-money.

 11-12 You know I've been aboveboard with you;
      now be aboveboard with me.
   I'm on the level with you, God;
      I bless you every chance I get.

Please take the time to reflect and comment:
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1 comment:

Apple of His Eye said...

I love verses 6-7. I pray a lot when we join hands in a circle for prayer that we'll have cleans hands and a clean heart in our worship.